Curriculum Overview 2022-2023

6th Form Program of Study

The Grove Sixth Form Prospectus
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KS5 results 2020–2021

100% of pupils achieved qualifications in:

Entry level Functional skills English

Entry level Functional Skills Maths

Entry level Functional Skills ICT

Sixth Form Overview

The Post-16 provision at The Grove, caters for students with a primary diagnosis of complex or moderate autism with a range of associated learning difficulties. Students already at the Grove will be prioritised for places although external referrals are also welcomed as long as their needs meet the admissions criteria.

Key aims:

  • Students work towards independence in both their academic learning and their personal skills.
  • Students build on previous learning in all areas so that each individual becomes more prepared for the transition to adulthood.
  • Students acquire the tools to manage the daily challenges of life beyond school and preparation towards adulthood.
  • Students have access to a flexible curriculum that meets individual needs and pathways to adulthood.
  • Students receive therapeutic input where required.

All our work is designed around the ambitions and hopes of the young people, working towards their future destinations as outlined in their Education Health Care plan and their Transition towards Adulthood plan.Success at post-16 looks different for every student but we aim to decrease the adult support provided to our students in their academic learning and personal skills so that they will be able to function as independently as possible in their day to day life.

At Post 16 pupils will have access to:

  • SCERTS framework continues to provide focused areas of learning to support personal development, communication and wellbeing.
  • Integrated OT support: Through the teaching of practical lessons, the OT supports students in acquiring functional life skills.
  • Communication skills with SALT – The SALT continues to support student progress in social communication skills.
  • Support for well being through a range of therapies such as Music or Art therapy.