Progress and Outcomes Assessment

Accurate and on-going assessment is fundamental to the setting of challenging targets and creating stimulating opportunities for learning. At The Grove, we use a range of assessment tools in order to track and measure academic progress over time. 

For pupils not engaged in subject specific study and for pupils working within pre-key stage standards 1 to 6, we use  BARICS (Brent Assessment Route I Can System) B levels.  

B1-B4 is the generic pre-subject specific area of the system where pupils are likely to be working within the engagement level. It enables teachers to assess pupils’ participation, engagement and preferences in relation to a wide range of experiences. B1-B4 focuses on supporting pupils to develop the pre-requisite skills that will enable them to access subject specific learning within our differentiated curriculum.

Pupils working Post B4 are working within our semi-formal curriculum and within the key stage 1 curriculum. BARICS covers a number of curriculum strands and pupils are assessed in the following areas:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Number 
  • Geometry & Measure

For pupils working within the curriculum at Key Stage 2 and above we have formulated our own assessment framework which we have named Steps. 

A detailed Annual Analysis and Report on Pupil Attainment and Progress is submitted to the Governing Body and termly updates are provided through our KPI reporting process.  

Summary of Progress Data

Click on the link to read our summary data for progress in English/Literacy Progress in English 2018–2021

Click on the link to read our summary data for progress in Mathematics Progress in Mathematics 2018–2021

Progress Data by Year

Click on the links below to read a broken down summary for progress in English/Literacy and Mathematics

2021-2022 Data Overview for English and Mathematics 2021-2022

2020-2021 _Data Overview for English & Mathematics 2020–2021

2019-2020 Data Overview for English & Mathematics 2019–2020

2018-2019 Data Overview for English & Mathematics 2018–2019

External Examinations & Accreditation Results

KS4 results – 2020–2021

100% of pupils achieved a certificate in Asdan Personal Progress

KS5 results – 2020–2021

100% of pupils achieved qualifications in:

Entry level Functional skills English

Entry level Functional Skills Maths

Entry level Functional Skills ICT

National Performance Data

You can find The Grove comparison data on the Government Website by clicking this link