At The Grove we believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) are important aspects of the curriculum.
Both subjects support children and young people to learn about themselves and helps them to make informed decisions about their lives for example with their own health, relationships and online safety, just to name a few.
Teachers in our Primary and Secondary West department deliver curriculum content to their pupils guided by the PSHE Association’s SEND framework. Pupils in our Secondary East and Sixth Form Departments will be following the PSHE Association’s Programme of study which addresses national curriculum requirements.
PSHE prepares learners to make positive choices in relation to the:
Health and
Economic aspects of their worlds.
PSHE gives learners the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to navigate the opportunities and challenges of growing up in 21st century Britain, as set out in Section 78 of the Education Act 2002. It seeks to maximise learners’ understanding of their rights and responsibilities. PSHE also extends into the practical areas of daily living, to promote the development of life skills that maximise learners wellbeing and enjoyment, and this is particularly important for our learners
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)
Best practice tells us that formal Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) should begin as soon as children start school, because the basis of RSE is learning about relationships with families and friends, and developing life skills such as decision making and assertiveness. Children need to learn & practice these skills from a very early age and build on what they learn at home. Children and young people with learning difficulties need many opportunities to reinforce this learning.
In July 2021 our PSHE & RSE Lead, Nadine Huseyin, won the RSE Award for Educator of the year for most improved RSE provision.

Families retain the right to withdraw their children from sex education, although at The Grove we want to make sure that families feel they can work closely with the school to adjust the programme, retaining its appropriateness, and remain engaged. We will inform families before RSE commences, and explain & share resources and any concerns openly.
Long Term Plan View and download (pdf)
Relationship and Sex Education Policy View and download (pdf)
PSHE Policy View and download (pdf)