Personal Development at The Grove: Overview

At the Grove, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development is not taught as a standalone lesson, rather it forms part of the wider curriculum and is integrated into school life through all subjects, assemblies, topics and whole school events.
The school holds The Young Citizens Silver Award for the provision in pupil’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development.
As part of the SMSC curriculum pupils will explore:
- Beliefs, faiths, feelings and values
- Enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world
- Volunteering and participating in the local community
- Understand that people may hold different views about what is right and wrong but know that all people living in England are subject to its law
- Investigate moral, ethical and topical issues
- Democracy and debating skills
- The role of law and the justice system in our society
- Britain’s parliamentary system
- Understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity
- Explore the schools SEARCH values and celbrate the values with SEARCH assemblies
The Grove promotes the Fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Collective Worship is an important part of the school day at The Grove through class and department assemblies.
The aims and objectives of collective worship at The Grove are:
- To develop a sense of community spirit
- To teach children how to worship and reflect
- To focus on and reinforce the shared ‘SEARCH’ values and ethos of the school
- To provide opportunities for students to consider spiritual, religious, moral and cultural issues and reflect upon their own experiences and beliefs
- To reflect upon the significance of important historical, contemporary and religious events
- To promote Fundamental British values (addressing the five areas of: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs)
- To provide an opportunity for students to celebrate and recognise their own achievements and those of their peers
The Grove has a strong Student School Council with representatives from every class and they meet every half term to discuss and raise suggestions for the school.
Intent and Overview for SMSC 2024-25
SMSC, FBV and Whole School Events Calendar 2024-25
Click the link to read about how we promote Life in Modern Britain
Click the link to read the statement on promoting British Values as part of SMSC