We have put together some FAQs.

If you cannot find the answer, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at
office@thegroveschool.co.uk and we will do our best to respond. Alternatively, you might find the answers on our website at www.thegroveschool.co.uk

Is there a school uniform?

Pupils are expected to wear the school uniform. We encourage pupils to wear their uniform with pride as it promotes a sense of community and belonging at the school. 

Uniform can be ordered online through our supplier Goodies at www.gooddies.co.uk 

We understand that for some pupils who have sensory difficulties, uniforms may be challenging. We are happy to work with any child to find an alternative they feel they can wear and we will work flexibly around what is right for the child.

What subjects will my child be learning?

We offer a comprehensive curriculum that includes all National Curriculum subjects, with each subject taught through distinct, subject-specific lessons to maintain focus and ensure pupils make clear progress. Instead of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), we provide a Cultural Studies Curriculum, allowing pupils to learn about diverse cultures and hear a variety of languages.

Can my child stay at the school until the end of sixth form?

Our sixth form has a small capacity which means not all our year 11 pupils are able to transition to our sixth form. The sixth form curriculum currently offers a pre-internship model and requires pupils to be independent in many skills, confident within the community and able to access at least entry level 2 qualifications and take part in regular work experience.

For pupils who are looking to transition to another school, we will fully support families to look at provisions, make applications and support the pupils with transition.

Does the school offer after-school clubs and breakfast clubs?

There are a range of after school clubs twice a week. 

Parents register online through the parent pay account. Clubs run on a termly cycle to ensure breadth. We also offer lunchtime clubs as it is not always possible for families to collect at the end of the school day. 

After school clubs run from 3.15-4.14pm – there is no transport so parents and carers must collect from the school site.

Does the school provide snacks?

We do ask for a termly contribution towards snacks. Pupils are allowed to bring in their own healthy snacks to have after morning break.

Is my child allowed their mobile phone?

Pupils are permitted to bring mobile phones to school. However, they must be handed into the main office upon arrival and collected at the end of the school day.

If at any point in the day a child needs to call home they can ask for their own phone or use the school office phone. 

How is the school behaviour policy implemented?

There is a comprehensive behaviour policy which outlines our approach towards supporting pupils with emotional regulation. We aim for all pupils to have good mental health and wellbeing and our approach is about offering positive behaviour support enabling the child to learn how to manage and regulate their own emotions. 

Every child has a personal support plan which outlines their personalised approach; these are shared with the pupil, where appropriate to do so and families.

How does the school teach my child to communicate?

Communication is taught at all levels. We aim to be a total communication school and offer a range communication tools and supports which include:

Visuals, Makaton, Pictures, reduced language, Core Boards, charts, schedules, prompts, processing time and lots more. 

Our dedicated Speech and Language Therapy team supports communication across the school.

Will my child get therapy?

We have school based OT and SaLT who offer a universal service, that is, supporting the class teams to ensure programmes, knowledge and understanding is built into the daily curriculum.  We do not provide individual 1:1 programmes for children. 

Pupils can be referred to our music and art therapists also if there are concerns.

Is there a parent group?

There is not a parent group currently.

What does the school do to prevent bullying?

Bullying is taken very seriously. Understanding bullying and the impact of bullying on others is woven into our PSHE curriculum. For many of our pupils, differentiating between ‘falling out’ and bullying can be tricky so we also focus on building positive relationships and how to respond to others and find support and help. 

We celebrate anti-bullying week and we also hold the Gold Award for our work on anti-bullying. All staff complete training modules around bullying and its complexities with autistic people so they are able to support and spot any forms of bullying immediately. 

Following an incident of bullying the pastoral team will implement a programme to support all pupils involved, including the victim and perpetrator.

What happens if my child has poor attendance at school?

The attendance officer will link with the pastoral team and safeguarding team to see if we can offer any support to the family. 

Persistent absence may result in a referral to the Haringey Education Welfare Office.

We understand for some of our pupils school attendance is challenging and we will support and work with you and your child to ensure positive outcomes. 

Unauthorised absences such as holidays during term time are likely to result in a Local Authority fine.  

How do I pay for my child’s school meals?

We use ParentPay – you will set up an account and be able to top up the school meal account directly here.

Some families will qualify for Free School Meals which you will have to apply for. You can ask the office team to help you with this.

How do staff communicate with parents and careers?

Pupils have a home-school book which the class team writes in daily. We expect parents and carers to correspond regularly in these books with the school to encourage a positive partnership.

Does the school have a SENCO?

No, as a special school, we do not have a nominated SENCo

How does the school support pupils with challenging behaviour?

The school is a positive behaviour support school (PBS) and we aim to have a ‘hands off’ approach. We know autistic people have hyper-sensitivity and so we aim to support pupils to regulate their emotions by teaching them self-soothing strategies. 

In a crisis incident or when all de-escalation support has been exhausted, our staff are trained to use Team Teach physical intervention. 

If this has happened, we contact families immediately and discuss this with you. Your child would then have a plan in place agreed by both parents and the school. 

Numbers of physical interventions within the school are extremely low.

What exams will my child take?

We offer a range of accreditations and examinations at the school which include:

  • AQA Awards 
  • Entry Level Examinations
  • Btec Courses
  • Functional Skills 
  • GCSE courses

How many children will be in my child’s class?

Typically classes will range between 6–10 pupils depending on their needs.

What will happen if my child requires intimate care?

The school has an intimate care policy and we will agree intimate plans with parents and carers.

Will my child have more than one teacher?

In the primary and KS3 and KS4 pathways 1-3 your child will mostly be taught by one teacher. We have a specialist PE teacher and Performing Arts teacher who both teach across all classes. In sixth form and some pathway 3-4 classes, your child will have more specialist teaching with different teachers. 

How are lunchtimes be organised?

Lunch is eaten in the main hall in three sittings. 

Pupils have 30 minute playtime and a 30 minute dinning time in the main hall.

We aim to encourage a family dinning atmosphere and we see lunchtimes as a learning opportunity to build independence skills and develop relationships and build social communication skills. Pupils who are packed lunch join in the main hall with their friends.

How are break and play times be organised?

Secondary playtimes are staggered through the morning. 

Primary have their own playground and usually have a morning and afternoon break. 

Is there any opportunity for mainstream inclusion?

For those pupils for whom mainstream inclusion is appropriate or right for them, we liaise with our Trust partner school Heartlands High School.

How do we apply for school transport?

You have to apply for transport through Haringey’s Local Offer Website. Address here: https://www.haringey.gov.uk/children-and-families/local-offer/11-16-year-olds/apply-transport. You do not have to reapply for transport every year as soon as they have been allocated a place. The status of your application will be communicated via the Haringey SEN team directly, not the school.

How do we pay for clubs and trips?

We use the online platform Parentpay

What will happen if my child is anxious about returning to school after a long time away?

We understand that for some pupils returning to school will be a challenge. This is why our pastoral team will be in contact with you and will work towards getting a transition plan for them in place. We will work with you to ensure they are supported back to school. 

How frequent are parent-teacher meetings?

Every child has an annual review, which is a statutory part of the ECHP process. This is a meeting with families, the school, outside professionals and the child (where appropriate) to discuss outcomes and progress.

In addition to the annual review we have parent and careers – teacher consultations across the school year.

Does the school offer residentials and offsite trips?

Enrichment is a very important part of the curriculum and we expect every child to engage and take part in enrichment activities. Enrichment can include all types of activities that may be school based or out int he community.

We aim to offer a residential each year.

We also aim to offer an annual summer school for pupils during August.

Will there be external visitors on site?

We will be limiting the number of external visitors into the school to keep the number of people on site to a minimum. 

All visitors will have to follow the school health and safety procedures when entering and leaving the site.

What will happen if my child’s teacher is absent?

We usually do not cover a teacher with an agency teacher as the unfamiliarity of new staff can be unsettling for the pupils. We aim to cover in-house on the first day of absence. For long-term absence we implement a more permanent solutions through agency staff or through moving staff around within the school. 

If we do use agency staff we will aim to use familiar staff and only use a limited amount of agencies.

What will happen with Free School Meals over the summer holiday?

The Local Authority currently run a holiday FSM voucher scheme. If you are already in receipt of vouchers, this will continue. 

What about a PE kit?

There is a simple PE kit and ALL pupils are expected to change for PE. This is part of life skills and also promotes health and hygiene. 

The PE polo can be purchased online through our supplier Goodies at www.gooddies.co.uk.

  • Light blue polo shirt (These can be purchased with the school logo through the school or purchased independently)
  • Navy blue jogging bottoms or leggings.
  • Navy sweatshirt (These can be purchased with the school logo through the school or purchased independently)

How will I get the school uniform?

Uniforms can be ordered online through our supplier Goodies at www.gooddies.co.uk. You can request delivery either to your home address or to the school address. 

You do not have to worry if the uniform has not yet arrived, in the interim you can send your child to school in black trousers/skirt and a white polo or shirt with a navy sweatshirt.

If you need help – just call the school office.

Primary Uniform 

  • White school polo shirts – to be purchased online at Gooddies
  • School sweatshirt – to be purchased online at Gooddies
  • School fleece – to be purchased online at Gooddies
  • Black trousers, jogging bottoms, black skirts – purchased independently
  • Black shoes
  • School rucksack is available if you wish to purchase online at Gooddies

Secondary Uniform

  • White shirt (boys) white blouse (girls) – purchased independently
  • School jumper – to be purchased online at Gooddies
  • School blazer – to be purchased online at Gooddies
  • Black trousers, black skirts – purchased independently
  • Black Shoes
  • School rucksack is available if you wish to purchase online at Gooddies

What information will I receive from school if my child is starting in September?

Each family receives the registration pack which should have the information for new families booklet. This is also on our website under the families section.

Each family should have had a conversation with their child’s new class teacher and a transition plan will have been arranged

Each family receives information to complete as part of the transition process – this will have included information about your child and their life skills passport (you may have discussed this over the phone)

Each family will have be contacted by the school office regarding the registration documents

Each child will receive a transition booklet and social story to help them with their transition to school in September

You are welcome to call the school office on 020 3876 6555 or email us on office@thegroveschool.co.uk if you have any further questions or suggestions that we haven’t managed to answer.

What information will I receive from school if my child is already at The Grove?

Daily home-school correspondence

Weekly newsletters from The Grove News

Half termly Curriculum News 

Haringey Local Authority information and updates in the family section of the website

Each child will receive a transition booklet and social story to help them with their transition back to school in September

Video on the website and the families booklet 

There is a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions which we hope will answer many of those questions or concerns you have

Contact from the pastoral team and class teachers

You are welcome to call the school office on 020 3876 6555 or email us on office@thegroveschool.co.uk if you have any further questions or suggestions that we haven’t managed to answer.