Haringey Local Offer

Haringey SEND Local Offer Poster

Haringey SEND Newsletters September 2022-July 2023 (Click for Links)

SEND Power Haringey Newsletter for Parents and CarersĀ  (Click for Links)


Haringey Special Educational Needs Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) ā€“ is a free, confidential service for parents and carers. The service is commissioned by Haringey Council and provided by Markfield, an independent charity.

They provide parents of children and young people aged 0 to 25 with accurate, impartial information about SEND systems and processes, aiming to empower them to be actively and constructively engaged with schools.

#ActuallyHaringey Autism Hub

TheĀ  #ActuallyHaringey is an early help provision enabling autistic adults to live independent, fulfilling lives within their community. The hub is run by a small in-house team. We provide a wide range of information, guidance and support options. Currently, we are running as both an online service and in-person service which is based at the Chad Gordon Campus. Find out more #ActuallyHaringey

Haringey SEND Parent Carer Forum

Parents and carers are invited to join the local forum.Ā  Get in touch with the teamĀ  sendpcf@bridgerenewaltrust.org.uk This is a great way to

  • Meet other parents and carers
  • Learn about the services and support available
  • Improve local services by having your say

More information about the work funded to support communities in Haringey click this linkĀ 

Haringey Local Educational Psychology Service Guidance on the Importance of Play

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SEND Year 11 ā€“ Choosing a Post 16 / Sixth Form Provision

As our post-16 pupils with education, health and care plans (EHCPs) make their journeys through education andĀ training, they will reach a point where the next step needs planning for. Examples of next steps include:

  • Parents hugging kid with Down Syndrome and smiling moving forward to a college course that furthers their learning on their chosen pathway
  • going into a work-related supported traineeship or internship
  • increasing the amount of time in the week being supported in adult social care (e.g. where the nature of young peopleā€™s difficulties mean that a work-based programme would not be suitable)
  • ending their education and training (e.g. to move on to work)

Where pupils are clear on what next steps theyā€™re interested in taking, the SEND Service will need to know the details of those as soon as possible, andĀ at the latest by the end of January. Please send the pupilsā€™ preferences via email to:Ā SENDPhaseTransfers@haringey.gov.uk Once we have this information, we can take the necessary steps and gather the information needed to make a decision on the requested move. We can then work towards having these decisions made and reflected in EHCPs by the 31Ā March 2022 deadline.

SEND Year 5 ā€“ Choosing a Secondary School

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