At The Grove School we have a school based therapy team which includes, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Art and Music Therapy. This is know as our multi-disciplinary team (MDT).
The aim of our therapy team is to provide therapy in collaboration with all parents, staff, and other professionals through a holistic and integrated approach that places the pupil at the centre of everything we do.
We achieve this by
- Integrating therapy into all aspects of the school day.
- Building the knowledge, awareness and skills of all school staff and families.
- Ensuring high quality intervention is delivered to those that need it, at school and at home.
How do we do this?
Therapy is fully integrated into the curriculum and across the school day.
The school based therapy team works across the school with all pupils in a variety of ways.
Universal Approach
Advice, training and support is available from the MDT to all staff who deliver specialist programmes within the classroom under the direction of the team.
Targeted Approach
Where additional support is required, the MDT will assess and jointly plan, with teachers a programme of support for the individual child. The class team will be supported to deliver the programme and the MDT will monitor and review its success.
Specialist Approach
The pupil receives direct intervention from the Therapist for a need that cannot be met in class or by trained classroom staff. This might be 1:1 or small group sessions with the SaLT or OT.
The MDT is led by our Designated Safeguarding Lead and they meet regularly to monitor and review the service across the school, this includes meeting with the pastoral team. Where identified, therapists support at home via home visits or training for parents. The MDT contribute to the wider Multi-Agency Meetings which take place with external professionals.